There was a time when I lived in fear. I feared telling my story of abuse, I feared showing up for myself, honouring myself, accepting myself. I feared shining my light too brightly thinking I would be ridiculed or rejected.
I feared setting healthy boundaries because I didn't want to lose the very people whom had hurt me.
I also feared moving forward out of my comfort zone because of the limiting story I had made up in my mind.
Often times we have a tendency to make ourselves small so that others won't be intimidated by our strength.
We have a tendency to play DOWN to other people's expectations of us, instead of living UP to our own greatness!
Have you ever had a time when you decided enough is enough?!
Have you ever had a time when you wondered would it be possible for me to truly live a life of fulfillment and purpose?
Have you ever wondered what you would do and who you would become if you had 5% more self esteem and self confidence?
When we have experienced narcissistic abuse we develop a sense of loss within ourselves, we feel stagnant, doubtful and distressed. We miss the joy and peace within ourselves and wonder how to get out of this rut.
When you're committed to fully healing, nothing can stand in your way!
With the right tools and strategies you can develop self confidence and re-ignite the fire within!
Join me on an amazing 2-Day healing journey in which you're going to let go of limiting stories and embrace authentic stories, learn about the 4 seasons of life and about the 7 strategies for transformation.
You're going to implement the 3 golden keys of a breakthrough into your life.
Come and experience the power of CLARITY!
When?: Saturday April 27th & Sunday April 28th 2024.
Time?: 11:00am to 1:30pm (Amsterdam time)
Where?: Online on Zoom
What do I need?: A pen and a notebook (you program your mind when you write things down)
What is my investment?: 149,50 Euro's (this is an introductory price)
*The group is small and intimate. A max of 10 participants
*You'll have a chance to share a part of your story
*We will hold space for any questions
*The challenge won't be recorded
Payments through PayPal